Thursday, August 21, 2014

Commentary: Not in charge

By Jerry Wolgemuth, Director of Communications

I remember agreeing to handle the children’s sermon one Sunday morning. I also remember my pastor’s admonition, “The first thing you need to understand is that you’re not in charge.” If you do children’s sermons, you understand what that means.

I suppose it’s a good idea for someone to be in charge most of the time. And most of us have a hankering to know who’s in charge, when they’re in charge, and the very words they’re supposed to say whilst in charge. It can get kinda’ predictable and sometimes, a little boring.

Now I really do think we should keep on printing bulletins for Sunday morning. I mean, I’ve seen folks come to church after the bulletins were all gone and they just sat there ravaged by one anxiety attack after another. It just was not a pretty sight.

I remember Mike Slaughter talking about the Sunday he left the sanctuary at Ginghamsburg Church just before his sermon was to begin, just to see what would happen. After some deadly silence folks began to share God’s goodness in music and witness and wonderful “church” happened.

Glad we could get together.