Thursday, October 22, 2015

Commentary: Sticking to Business

The sign in large letters pasted to the store window said, “Out of Business.” Someone had scratched below, “Forgot what our business was.” It’s probably what should accompany any sign that announces the end of a business.
When a church closes we don’t use an “Out of Business” sign. In some cases, perhaps we should.

From mega corporations to mom-and-pop enterprises, business thrives when the mission is clear to the owners, AND the employees, AND the customers, AND the potential customers. Blur the real purpose and the lights go out.

I’m not certain what the response would be if someone stopped at our churches and asked, “What’s you business?” If someone stopped at the fast food place on the corner of Walnut and Main and asked, “What’s the business of that tall brick building down the street with the fancy windows and the tall pointed roof?” I wonder what answer might come back.

So what’s our business? In 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 the Apostle Paul says (according to Peterson’s The Message) “God has given us the task of telling everyone what He is doing.” That’s a big job but it’s not exactly rocket science.
When we’re in the business of telling everyone what WE are doing we usually run amuck. If we focus on telling everyone what GOD is doing we’re “sticking to business” and we’ll stay in business.

Glad we could get together.