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Milton Loyer, Conference Archivist
On March 18, 1923, the Calvary Methodist Episcopal Church in Waymart, Wayne County, dedicated its enlarged facility. This society began at Canaan Four Corners and worshiped in a log school house until erecting a building in that community in 1834. When the population shifted to Waymart, the congregation arranged to share use of the Presbyterian building there – but a dispute with the Presbyterians led the Methodists to erect their own building in 1856, and a Sunday School room was added later to the rear of the building. In 1923 the Sunday School room was moved back thirty feet, and a new two-story building with a full basement was erected between the church and the old Sunday School room.
For many years a congregation in nearby Steene was part of the Waymart charge. That congregation worshiped in a school house for a number of years before purchasing the old church building at Canaan Four Corners and moving it to Steene in 1859. After the Steene appointment was discontinued, that building was sold in 1924 and is now a private home.
In 1968 when the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren (EUB) denomination joined to form the United Methodist Church, the congregations in the EUB’s New York Conference, which covered all New York state outside metropolitan NYC, were placed in the five corresponding Methodist Conferences: Central New York, Northern New York, Troy, Western New York and Wyoming. On April 12, 1973, the final meeting of the Joint Distributing Committee met to divide the assets of that conference five ways – prorated according to membership. The Wyoming Conference had inherited 117 former New York EUB members and was entitled to 1.70% of those assets. In 1986 the Northern New York and Central New York Conferences united to form the North Central New York Conference.
In 2010 when the Wyoming Conference was dissolved, its assets were similarly prorated according to membership – 45% to the newly created Upper New York (merger of North Central New York, Western New York and the New York portions of Troy and Wyoming) Conference and 55% to the expanded Central Pennsylvania (renamed Susquehanna) Conference.
Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World. Do you feel weighed down with worry? Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Could you use some calm? This study explores God’s promises in Philippians 4:4-8 and shows that while anxiety is part of life, it does not have to dominate life. (5 sessions. Includes DVD, study guide with resources for group leaders in the back, and hardcover book.)Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear. Fear confronts us daily: layoffs at work, uncertainty in the housing market, upswings in global warming, and a multitude of other troublesome issues. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? (6 sessions. Includes DVD, discussion guide, leader guide, and CD-ROM.)You Are Never Alone. We want to believe in a living, loving, miracle-working God who does not hesitate to step into the messes of our world and lift us out. In this study we are reminded that God’s presence and power are nearer than we think. We only need to look at the miracles of Jesus as told in the Gospel of John to know this is true. As we do, we will find Jesus is right there with us, caring about every aspect of our lives. (6 sessions. Includes DVD, study guide, and hardcover book.)
Unshakable Hope: Building Our Lives on the Promises of God. Max Lucado will help you, your group, and your church see your problems in the light of God’s many promises in Scripture. There are things that seem unstable in this life and in the world. But when we belong to God, we can filter our problems through the promises of God. The stories of the men and women in Scripture were different, but the theme was the same: they were People of the Promise. Following their examples, we can also build our lives on God’s promises, and trust Him to keep them. (12 sessions. Includes DVD, study guide, and hardcover book.)
It is easy to place an order from Discovery Place! Visit our website, www.discovery-place.org and place an order through our online catalog, send me an email at discovery@susumc.org, or call me at 717-766-7968; your phone call will send me an email. I will respond to all requests as soon as possible.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Serving Christ with you,
Joni Robison
Mission Central focuses on mission outreach, mission education and disaster relief. In 2022, we gave over $700,000 in supplies to assist with disasters. Through our partners, we distribute about 20% of our resources internationally.
Last month’s devastating earthquakes resulted in over 44,000 deaths in Turkey and over 5,900 in Syria. The total accounted-for number of deaths and injured continues to rise.
Survivors are struggling to stay hydrated, warm and fed. Emergency crews are continuing to use axes, shovels and jackhammers to dig through twisted metal and concrete, but in some places, they switched their focus to demolishing unsteady buildings.
These recovery and rebuilding efforts will take time. Through our international partners, we have already sent medical goods to Turkey and Syria. We will continue to support these efforts and initiatives as they recover and rebuild from the devasting earthquake.
Thank you for supporting Mission Central and assisting us in fast disaster response as well as longer term rebuilding efforts. We are grateful to you.
Please consider donating to Mission Central to help replenish our disaster relief supplies and allow us to continue this critical work.
Mission Central Online Auction
Mission Central Fun Run/Walk
A resident of Enola (with her two cats), Ilene is currently a member of Grace United Methodist Church in Hummelstown. In addition to having previously served on staff at Grace Church, Ilene is also currently employed as a Pharmacy Technician at Rite Aid.
From her previous work experience, Ilene brings skills and experience in customer service, office management, communications, and administrative and clerical work. She has both a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree and a Bachelor of Arts in English/Communication-Journalism degree.
Effective immediately the Harrisburg District Office hours will be 8:15 – 2:45 Monday – Friday. The contact information remains the same at harrisburg@susumc.org and 717-766-8124.
As we move through the opening months of the new year, we can’t help but look back on 2022 with immense gratitude for your support of the outdoor ministry.
In 2022 you were part of....
Giving $91,636.00 in donations and gifts to ensure a bright future for these spaces we love so much.
This total includes surpassing the funding goals for the annual Matching Monday Campaign and surpassing the funding goals for the first ever Camp Fancy Gala!
Impacting 841 camper lives.
425 volunteers who gave time to volunteer for a week (or more!) of summer camp or came to lend a hand during a work day.
Welcoming 129 retreat guest groups to these treasured places apart.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support!!!
Susquehanna Conference Volunteers in Mission provides supplemental accident insurance free of charge to our teams serving domestically. We contract with AIG through the Northeast Jurisdiction United Methodist VIM to offer you a medical and accident insurance policy with $50,000 coverage for domestic teams.
In order to receive this insurance for your domestic journey you simply submit a Team Roster. The Team Roster got an upgrade too! Click here for the NEW Team Roster. Simply complete the form and hit the submit button. Your form will be processed, and you will receive notification of your insurance from Susquehanna Conference VIM.
For International Journeys, we ask that teams register with the new Team Roster and purchase low-cost supplemental insurance from UMVIM-NEJ.
The old Team Roster will no longer be accepted.
For more information on the domestic and international insurance go to https://www.umvim.org/nej-insurance.
For questions about resources for our Susquehanna Conference VIM Teams, please contact Michelle Schwartzman, VIM Coordinator: vim@susumc.org or 717-766-7441 ext. 3105.
It has been my great joy to work with wonderful lay people throughout the Susquehanna Conference to grow spiritual transformational leaders who engage others in abundant Christian love that transforms lives wherever they go! This has been evidenced through the testimonies of those who have completed “GROW! Living as Spiritual Transformational Leaders.” Each person is able to articulate a growing sense of personal calling for the work that God has for each to do, and awareness of the needs within everyone's communities. God is doing great work through our Lay People!
In the past two years our Lay Servant Ministries throughout the Susquehanna Conference have experienced quite a transformation! Each district now has an active Committee on Lay Servant Ministries that is planning and implementing regular training courses for Lay Servants, Lay Speakers, and Certified Lay Ministers. The chairpersons of each District Committee have joined together to become the Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries, and are responsible for final approvals for Lay Speakers, Certified Lay Ministers, and curriculum development beyond what is offered through Discipleship Ministries. To learn more about Lay Servant Ministries, click on this link to our Lay Ministry page: https://susumc.org/lay-ministry/. Right now we are adding new information regularly about Lay Servant Ministry classes that are available in Spring 2023!
Our annual Certified Lay Minister School has started and looks forward to two more weekends of training at Wesley Forest! This year seven participants are working toward their CLM status and the possibilities of serving local churches as lay ministers. We are learning about our United Methodist history and theology, how to build a covenant for the work we are called to do, and leading worship. In March we look forward to learning more about congregational care, faith formation and discipleship! As a participant myself, it is so exciting to see and hear how God is working through each of these persons!
What is God placing on your heart? Have you been hearing the still, small voice that is nudging you to a closer walk with Jesus, or a way to use your skills to the benefit of your local church and community? How do you see God working among others in your family or congregation? How will you share an encouraging word to help them take their next faithful step? It takes all of us to pray for and support each other as we make disciples of Jesus Christ who will transform the world!
Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball and Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi |
We are also encouraged that congregations whose theology is not consistent with the theology of The United Methodist Church are finding their way to either be independent churches or to be part of other denominations that are more consistent with their theology.
We remain hopeful that as we make these discoveries we will be able to do so without discrediting, demonizing, making accusations about or denigrating persons who have made decisions different than our own. It is beneath our Christian witness to use intimidation, exaggeration, fear or misinformation to bolster our argument and convince others to join “our side”.
We are encouraged that there are a number of churches in our annual conference that identify their theology as traditional and are choosing to remain United Methodist. These churches recognize that United Methodist theology embraces diversity of perspective and interpretation on a number of matters. They have found that, even though most of their members may have more traditional perspectives, they have always had active members with diverse perspectives with whom they have been able to do vital ministry. They view this diversity as a blessing.
There are some churches that have gone through the process of taking a vote to disaffiliate and while a majority did vote to disaffiliate, they were not able to reach the 2/3 majority required by The Book of Discipline. For some of these churches, the process of taking such a vote has been challenging. We are encouraged that some of these congregations have requested help to move forward so that they might emerge even stronger than before they voted.
In some cases, churches have reached the 2/3 majority needed to disaffiliate but a significant minority of members want to remain United Methodist. We are encouraged that in those cases the cabinet is working to find United Methodist churches for those members who want to remain United Methodist. In addition, we are developing plans to start some new United Methodist communities for those who want to remain. If you would like to be a part of one of those new communities, please email our team at beumc@susumc.org.
We are encouraged by the hope and joy that is ours through Jesus Christ in the midst of disaffiliation. We are not perfect, but we are encouraged that as a church we are striving to be perfected in love of God and one another. We are encouraged by all of you who are on this journey with us as we work out our souls’ salvation, fulfilling our membership covenant of being loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church and doing all that we can to strengthen its ministries.
Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi - Resident Bishop, SUSUMC
Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball - Resident Bishop, SUSUMC