Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Behind the Scenes: Who’s in control?

By Shawn Gilgore
Director of Communications Ministry
There’s something about the fall weather. Maybe it’s the drizzle, falling slowly and heavily outside the window. Maybe it’s that unmistakable feeling: “Ahh, it’s finally getting cooler.” And yet, maybe it’s knowing something. Knowing that things change all around us, even as we don’t fully realize it.

For me, God has always worked like this. It’s very rare that I have points in my life that I can look back at and say, “Yes, this was a huge monumental shift for me and my relationship with God.” He was always there, nudging, moving, changing me and my relationship with Him slowly; almost without my knowledge.

He was instrumental in all the decisions of my life, even when I thought I was the one in control. And I still wrestle with that: I want to be in control, I want to go ‘this way.’ But it’s never been my plan for my life. He’s always had His hand on every moment.

Photo by Linda Gilgore