Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Kentucky Tornado Support

UMNS photo by Mike Dubose
Responding to a disaster can bring together the connectional system of the United Methodist Church and allow us to be actively involved in supporting the affected area. While we wait for assessments to be completed and plans to be established, there is still much you can do. 

PRAY. Spend time, individually and collectively, praying for the victims, leaders, and emergency responders in these communities. This can be a powerful tool in the immediate and long-term aftermath of a disaster. As you pray, petition God for direction and guidance on how you can be involved.

SUPPORT. The financial need after a disaster is great. Your generous giving makes this possible. To provide financial support, click: UMCOR US Disaster Response and Recovery Advance This will ensure 100 percent of the donation reaches the affected area, supports the work of UMCOR and its partners, and meets the needs of the community.

ACT. While we wait, you can assemble UMCOR cleaning kits, hygiene kits, and school kits. Information about those kits and how to assemble them can be found on the UMCOR website or the Mission Central website.