*This report has been edited since it was originally published in the Daily LINK, Saturday June 13 Wrap-up issue.
The Divestment Task Force had been created through a resolution passed at the 2013 Annual Conference to form a diverse and representative task force to look at the possible divestment from companies in our portfolios that may be contributing to the occupation of the Palestinian territories.
They first noted that funds held for the Susquehanna Conference have no significant investment in any companies considered to be contributors to the issues in the region. *They also noted that Wespath/General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits does hold stock in such companies, and that remaining invested gives the opportunity for dialogue through shareholder meetings. However, one of the task force recommendations is for the General Board of Pensions and Health Benefits to consider an expanded human rights investment strategy to screen in support of indigenous populations and against the development, or sustaining, of illegal settlements. This would help align our beliefs with our investments.
Other recommendations are in the final report at tinyurl.com/pck76qy