Friday, January 18, 2019

New Year’s Resolution: Update Disaster Response Plan

Douglas Hoy, Disaster Response Coordinator

Entering a new year means something different for each of us. Some make resolutions to improve their health. Others resolve to re-connect with old friends or develop new relationships. The Disaster Response Ministry team is working to improve emergency preparedness throughout the Conference. In the coming weeks, we plan to launch an updated response plan with the goal of providing additional information, education, and opportunities to learn about how to be prepared for disasters, big and small, that we may face throughout the year.
One of the goals of our “resolution” is to improve your congregations’ preparedness and response efforts. The updated Conference plan will include a number of new elements to aid you in creating or updating your own emergency preparedness and response efforts.

Part of that plan will include offering additional training to address disaster preparedness and response within your congregations and communities. Furthermore, we will provide you with some tools to reach into the community and form relationships prior to a disaster.

We will also be increasing our ability to communicate, specifically through an expanded presence on social media. By using multiple formats, we hope to provide you with critical information you may need to prepare for the cold weather, snow and ice storms and flooding so prevalent in our area.

Finally, we will begin to collaborate with local governments throughout the conference to promote the use of their emergency alert and notifications systems to further expand the distribution of that critical information.
By doing so, we hope to develop and/or expand our ability and capability to cooperate in a response effort when disaster strikes, with the ultimate goal of providing RELIEF to a community that is suffering by:

  • Revealing God’s protections 2 Kings 6:16
  • Embracing a community in need James 2:16
  • Loving our neighbors unconditionally John 13:34
  • Introducing compassion in the midst of tragedy 2 Corinthians 1:3-7
  • Emphasizing hope Romans 15:13
  • Fostering restoration, both physically and spiritually 1 Peter 5:10

If you have any questions, contact
Douglas Hoy
Disaster Response Coordinator
Susquehanna Conference UMC
303 Mulberry Drive
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17050
office: 717-766-7441, extension 3402