Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Discerning Next Steps for Equipping Vital Congregations

The apostle Paul tells us, “The one who plants and the one who waters have a common purpose.… For we are God’s servants, working together.”  1 Corinthians 3:8-9

Over the past two years, a movement has sparked that has led to new ministries and new opportunities for making disciples of Jesus Christ. Kay Kotan, Director of Equipping Vital Congregations has been a faithful co-worker planting seeds throughout our beloved Susquehanna Conference.

As a part of her work, countless congregations have begun to develop strategic plans and discipleship pathways that will help reach new people. Dozens of Fresh Expressions have been launched and Vitality Teams are in each of our districts, equipped to walk with local churches through visioning and reflection.

New initiatives such as The Valley in State College, The Journey in Harrisburg, and The Open Door in Dillsburg are widening circles of relationships and community engagement. All of these missional areas are the embodiment of the beloved community of disciple-making congregations.

However, last month I received a call from Bishop Gary Mueller. The Arkansas Conference wanted to extend an offer to Kay to be their new Director of the Center for Vitality and New Places for New People. She has accepted. She will begin this new position on July 1, 2019. As a passionate innovator, Kay will bring a significant contribution to her place of ministry and the Arkansas Conference will be blessed to have her on the team.

Here in the Susquehanna Conference, the Cabinet and I realize the vital importance of the spark that has become a flame, and we will discern the next faithful steps for the office of Equipping Vital Congregations (EVC). We are fully committed to the EVC team and continuing the work of equipping and resourcing local congregations into vitality and creating new places for new people.

Please pray for Kay and her husband Bob as they transition into her new position. Please also pray for our Conference as we navigate through these new changes.

With you in Christ’s Ministry,
Bishop Jeremiah Park