Thursday, March 3, 2022

Volunteers in Mission

In case you missed it, VIM has a new website under the Conference Board of Global Ministries (CBGM). Go to to check it out! You can find what VIM is all about, see photos of teams from the past year, find a project to work on or a training that would suit you, and Mission resources. These pages are constantly being updated with new materials and projects so check it out regularly.

Keep an eye out for upcoming VIM Training, sessions are scheduled regularly or by request. VIM Training prepares us to have a positive impact in mission whether it is a few hours or weeks; local, national, or global. It is open to those who have led teams and those who have never served on a project. Taking this training does not require you to lead a trip but equips you for service. Topics covered include Best Practices, Cultural Awareness, Health & Safety, Team Orientations, Useful Forms, Insurance and Fundraising. If you, your mission committee, or mission team are interested in the VIM Training, contact Michelle at or 717-766-7441 ext. 3105.

A gem that the Susquehanna Conference VIM provide is supplemental accident insurance for your teams FREE of charge. If you’re serving in your local community or sending teams out further into Pennsylvania, other states, or other countries, contact Michelle for information on how to acquire this insurance. It’s another way we care for our teams and all the work you do.

What to look for in 2022??? 

Right now, the Susquehanna Conference VIM offers a grant for VIM team’s material costs. Check it out at We’re creating a new grant that will debut later this year to help the journey costs of new missioners. But we can’t continue to offer these grants without the help of generous donors! You know that it all adds up and any amount donated helps tremendously! The grants come from United Methodist Advances and that means that 100% of the money donated is used for the grants, not administrative fees! 

Please consider a donation to VIM, here’s how to donate to our VIM Advances

Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Advance Special (#4055)

VIM is a grassroots movement of United Methodists who seek to put their “Christian Love in Action.” VIM offers a connectional framework through which disciples can engage in short-term mission journeys locally, nationally, and globally. VIM provides training, resources, insurance, and support to our VIM teams.

Volunteers in Mission (VIM) Materials Advance Special (#7010)

This ministry helps with the costs of materials for VIM work including local mission, domestic and international VIM Journeys.

Make checks payable and send to:

“Susquehanna Conference UMC” - Memo line: Advance and number
303 Mulberry Dr. Mechanicsburg, PA 17050

VIM is the short-term mission agency of the United Methodist Church who seek to put their “Christian Love in Action”. I celebrate all our Conference Missioners and those who support us with your prayers, monetary gifts, and relationship. I’ll leave you with one of our core values from John Wesley: Do no harm, do good, and stay in love with God.

Michelle Schwartzman, VIM Coordinator  •  717-766-7441 ext. 3105.