Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reaching out at Senior Fair

United Methodist Leon Lehman (left) shares with folks at a Senior Fair held at Chambersburg Mall.
Chambersburg Mall held a Senior Fair in September. Rev. James Fox, pastor of Valleys United Methodist Parish in Altoona District, put together a display with handouts under the theme “GENERATION 2 GENERATION” with an emphasis on intergenerational church and community involvement by older adults.

The display was hosted by Rev. Fox and 92-year-old Leon Lehman, a United Methodist living at Menno Haven Retirement Center.

It was estimated that over 1,000 persons attended the event, which was sponsored by Rep. Rob Kauffman, with several hundred stopping by this particular display and sharing.

“We ran out of handout materials,” said Rev. Fox.

Left to right: Leon Lehman  and Rev. James Fox  hosted a United Methodist display at the Senior Fair at Chambersburg Mall.