Wednesday, July 10, 2024

An Afternoon of Music for Shares of Ministry at Hawley UMC

By Rev. Rebecca Holland

On Sunday, May 26, the people of Hawley United Methodist Church kicked off the summer with a benefit concert to raise money for their Shares of Ministry. Approximately thirty musicians joined together to play over twenty pieces of music. More than 120 people attended and approximately $1,050 was raised for Shares of Ministry. Desserts and refreshments were offered in the Great Hall during intermission and after the concert. 

The concert was organized by Mr. James Simpson, a beloved member of Hawley UMC and stepson of The Rev. Marty Cox. Rev. Cox faithfully served Hawley UMC for over thirty years. He is warmly remembered and dearly missed. Thanks to his influence, Hawley UMC continues to participate in the practice of weekly Holy Communion and high church liturgy. Hawley UMC is currently served by Rev. Rebecca L. Holland, Chair of the Disability Ministries Task Force and member of the Order of St. Luke.

The people of Hawley UMC have a heart for mission and are passionate about their music ministry. The Music Director, Mrs. Joy Stebbins, and Handbell Choir Directors, Mr. Rich Wright and Mrs. Celia Trayes, were also key leaders who worked unflaggingly to help bring together this benefit concert. 

The program consisted of soloists, vocalists, instrumentalists, the Chancel Choir, and the Joyful Ringers (the Handbell Choir of Hawley UMC). Music was shared in a variety of styles, including pop, classics from past decades, ragtime, barbershop, classical, and hymns. 

The Chancel Choir performed an original piece by Music Director, Mrs. Joy Stebbins. This original composition was entitled, “We Will Have Tomorrow,” and was first performed in 2017. This deeply moving piece was very well received and the perfect fit for Memorial Day Weekend. 

The Joyful Ringers played “Hallelujah,” by Leonard Cohen and then donned funky glasses and hats for a piece by Sir Elton John entitled, “I’m Still Standing.” After they shared their excellent music, Mr. Richard Wright invited all those in attendance to consider taking the Beginner Bell Class offered during the summer. “If you can count to four,” said Mr. Wright, “you can join our handbell choir!” 

In the past, both the Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir have served as a wonderful bridge to connect members of the community with Hawley UMC. People will join for the fun and the music and stay to become part of the Church family. One example of this is the Kelly family, who became connected to Hawley UMC through the Joyful Ringers and became church members on January 7, 2024 — Baptism of Our Lord Sunday. 

In the end, the most impressive part of this benefit concert was not the money raised or the large crowd who attended: The most impressive aspect of this concert was the heart for mission displayed by the people of Hawley UMC. Everyone involved gave their time and talents freely to the Lord as an offering to God’s glory. Many of the musicians practiced for months leading up to the concert. Many willing hands were needed to set up for the concert, bake the desserts, and help to clean up when it was all done. Every person had an important role to play in making this ministry a success. 

An Afternoon of Music was a joyful noise to the Lord and glorious to hear.