Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Mission Central: Care Kit Blessings Abound

By Maggie Kissinger, Mission Central Director of Development and Communications

On behalf of the Mission Central staff and our partner organizations, thank you for your overwhelming generosity through Care Kit donations at the Susquehanna Annual Conference. 

I am pleased to report the donations we received filled 6 gaylord boxes in a box truck, plus multiple full carloads. 

While it will take time to inventory the donations, we estimate over 1,000 Care Kits will be assembled as a result of this donation, a value of $12,000 in resources! Each Care Kit will bless up to three individuals, so the impact of this donation will reach up to 3,000 individuals.

You may have seen our Executive Director, Hope Harrison, facilitating a Care Kit assembly station and accepting donations at Annual Conference. The donation drop-off area was overflowing with an abundance of donations, so we had to send our Operations Manager, Roger, to pick up the donations in the Mission Central box truck.

When Roger arrived to pick up the donations on Friday morning, he realized the elevator could not fit a pallet, so the donations had to be transported to the truck by hand. After taking several loads down, the elevator stopped working, so Hope and Roger carried bags of donations down the staircase. A few pastors and laity noticed them carrying bags and stepped in to help, and when Hope went back for the next load, she learned that someone had made an announcement seeking additional help with moving the donations. Within minutes, Annual Conference attendees joined in over their lunch break to help carry the donations to the truck, in another beautiful display of community and generosity.

I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the churches across the Susquehanna Conference for collecting and donating these items. We look forward to seeing the blessings these Care Kits will bring to communities locally, across the country, and around the world.