Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Susquehanna Conference,
Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Healer of our Brokenness and Hope of the World!
There are seasons to everything. I would like you to know that I will retire effective September 1, 2020. After a time of discernment and prayer, I am at peace with my decision and it is well with my soul.
There will be other occasions and opportunities for me to express my gratitude for you and the journey we took together and to communicate the needed transitions that will take place in the most beneficial way for our conference and the new episcopal leader. Together we will prepare our beloved Susquehanna Conference for the next chapter of God’s journey with us. Your prayers for the conference, conference leadership and me during this time of transition would be greatly appreciated. God has been faithful in the past and God will continue to do so in the future. What an awesome God we worship and serve!
Alive in Christ together, I look forward to what we will accomplish together over the next 11 months, all for the glory of God.
May God continue to richly bless and honor you and your ministry.
With You in Christ’s Ministry,
Bishop Jeremiah J. Park