Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Discovery Place: Lenten Studies

As we approach Lent, one of the most meaningful seasons of the church year, consider one of these studies for small group or personal use. 




The Case for Easter: Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus: In this video Bible study, author Lee Strobel reveals what he discovered as he went piece-by-piece through the evidence of the empty tomb. (4 sessions. It is packaged with The Case for Christmas, which may be previewed for use in Advent 2021. Includes 2 DVDs and 2 study guides.)

The Walk: Five Essential Practices of the Christian Life: How do we walk with Christ—daily follow Him, grow in Him, and faithfully serve Him? Join Adam Hamilton to discover five essential spiritual practices rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God. (6 sessions. Includes DVD, leader guide, and book. Children and youth books also available.)

Why Easter Matters: Packaged with Who Needs Christmas, Andy Stanley looks at the lives of several key people in the familiar story of Jesus’ crucifixion. The circumstances they faced are different than ours, but their actions and mistakes are, unfortunately, not different at all. (4 sessions. Includes 2 DVDs and 2 study guides. The Christmas study may be previewed for use in Advent 2021.)

24 Hours that Changed the World: Travel to the Holy Land with Adam Hamilton, to visit the sites where the earth-shaking events of the last 24 hours of Jesus’ life took place. (7 sessions. Includes DVD, leader guide, book, and 40 Days of Reflection booklet. Children and youth books also available.)

He Chose the Nails: Max Lucado examines the gifts that Christ gave at His crucifixion. These include the gift of the cross, the thorns, the nails, and the empty tomb. (5 sessions. Packaged with Because of Bethlehem, which may be previewed for use in Advent 2021. Includes 2 DVDs and 2 study guides.)

What Makes a Hero? The Death-Defying Ministry of Jesus: Looking at pop culture heroes through the lens of faith, author Matt Rawle shows how Jesus turned the concept of hero on its head. (6 sessions. Includes DVD, leader guide, and book. Children and youth books also available.)

Restored: Finding Redemption in Our Mess: Author Tom Berlin encourages us to reflect and meditate on our own brokenness, showing us that it is only when we focus on the cross as a place to surrender control that we can leave our mess and find true redemption. (6 sessions. Includes DVD, leader guide, and book. Youth book also available.)

Final Words from the Cross: Adam Hamilton examines Christ’s dying hours and His final words as seen and heard through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross. (6 sessions. Includes DVD, leader guide, and book.)

The God We Can Know: Exploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus: Author Rob Fuquay explores the “I am” statements of Jesus found in the gospel of John, to help us answer the most essential question in the Christian faith: “Who do you say I am?” (7 sessions. Includes DVD and book.)

Renegade Gospel: The Rebel Jesus: Jesus did not come to start a religion. The rebel Jesus came with a renegade gospel to start a revolution. Author Mike Slaughter presents Jesus and His challenging message. (6 sessions. Includes DVD, leader guide, and book.)

John: Gospel of Light and Life: This study by Adam Hamilton follows the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospel of John, and helps us understand the context of some of the best-known verses in the New Testament. (6 sessions. Includes DVD, leader guide and book. Children and youth books also available.)

Complete descriptions of these and all our other resources can be found in the online catalog on our website: You may place an order directly through our online catalog, e-mail , or call 717-766-7968. (Leaving a voicemail will send me an email.) 

We are currently open on a limited basis with no regular office hours, but Discovery Place email is checked daily. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are closed to walk-in visitors until further notice. 

Serving Christ with you,

Joni Robison

Discovery Place Resource Center
Susquehanna Conference
303 Mulberry Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA 17050