Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Hearts Strangely Warmed

“While the leader was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ alone for salvation; and an assurance was given me that He had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.” — John Wesley, May 24, 1738 

God calls us to tell our story so that others may come to know Jesus Christ. “Hearts Strangely Warmed” was created to share these stories about transformational encounters with the Living God.

Rev. Jason Schwartzman

I had been offered a chance to pastor a church while I was a youth director at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in York. I flatly refused. I wasn’t a pastor. I was a youth director and I loved everything about that job! I was happy there and had no interest in being a pastor at all! God was patient. 

Circumstances changed and soon my family discerned a call to be missionaries in India. I wanted to go there to help foster and build a deep sense of community and care. On September 12, 2011—24 hours before our plane left New York City—Michelle (my wife) and I were making a last run or two to CVS and some other places. We passed Otterbein United Methodist Church in York. I casually said to Michelle, “Now if I was ever asked to be the pastor of THAT church, I wouldn’t say no”. We finished our errands and boarded our plane the next afternoon. God was patient. 

I can fill pages about the incredible and wonderful experiences we had in India. The stories of those children are forever etched in my heart and in my mind. Their courage, their joy and their SENSE OF COMMUNITY changed my life. It wasn’t long before I realized that I was the one who was learning while I was in India. I was learning that sense of community that I longed for so deeply was very present in that village and at that school. And that’s what I longed to bring home to the United States. God was patient…and wise. 

Upon our arrival back in the US, the first few weeks were a blur! My daughter was born just a few weeks after we got back, there were a few places of employment that I would rather forget, but there was also a life-changing phone call. “Jason, I know you said no before…but I really think that this church would be a great match for you….” I sheepishly responded “Okay, which church…?” Wouldn’t you believe, it was Otterbein UMC in York? God was patient. God was wise. I couldn’t say no. I promised I wouldn’t say no! 

Once again, I could fill PAGES with the joy that was becoming the pastor of Otterbein Church in York (RIP). I saw the sense of community that I longed to experience actually come to fruition in so many tangible ways at Otterbein! The following appointments have been equally as rewarding: East End/Fairview UMCs in Altoona and now Grace UMC in Lemoyne. It has always been, and I imagine always will be, my goal to make the church a part of the community in deep and meaningful ways. We, the church —every church—exist for the people who have not yet walked into our doors and have not yet experienced a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. This work is worth giving my life to! God was patient, even when I wasn’t. God was wise, even when I wasn’t. 

I am honored to have been ordained an elder in the United Methodist Church. There are not enough pages in The LINK to thank the people that made this day possible. I am so filled with gratitude and awe of the tremendous churches I have had the privilege of serving, my incredible family who has supported every step of this journey, and of course the amazing grace of God, who was patient.