Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Missionary Covenant Support

By Rebecca (Becky) Parsons, Missionary Serving as Mission Advocate in the NEJ

Churches are learning so much about who they are as Christ’s disciples in these 20 months into living in a pandemic: grief sharing, community connections, healthy relationships, technology, and how the holy spirit calls us even deeper into connection with one another in new ways.

One connection point in the United Methodist Church is to our 220 Missionaries in 60 countries. Local churches and individuals covenant with a missionary; covenants are statements of relationship and financial commitment: mutual care and witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ calls us to love one another in our local community and around the world. The around-the-world part is made possible by the work of missionaries serving in the local communities all over the world.

Covenants take what we treasure most: compassion, justice and peace and transform it into acts of love in missions, where we can join into the activity of the holy spirit through our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.

What do you treasure most? How are you sharing it?

You treasure your time? Have you spent some of that time in prayer for Rev. Andrew Lee as Andrew coordinates the church activities of the UMC in Cambodia.

Or have you covenanted with Temba Nkomozepi at Mujila Falls Zambia, where it is so remote that it takes the ‘call to serve unto the ends of the Earth’ past that! Temba is an agriculturalist who attended Africa University—a world class university sponsored by a portion of every apportionment dollar you send to the global church.

Have you and your church been on a virtual Volunteer in Mission journey with Nan McCurdy and Miguel Mairena? Nothing will separate us from the love of God who calls us to love one another, and you don’t even have to leave your home to build relationships with people in Christian communities and learn how the holy spirit is transforming lives. Gather a group and visit your favorite missionary and the community they serve!

This year, your church can make a covenant with, pray for, and support our 220 missionaries serving in 60 countries sharing the good news, inviting all to warm themselves in the light of Christ, and transforming the world for the ‘Kin-dom’ of God. This advent season, as we prepare for Jesus coming into the world, consider inviting families, your congregation, or individuals to support a missionary. You’ll be glad you did.

The Conference Secretary of Global Ministries or I can help you navigate choosing a missionary. Contact me, Rebecca Parsons, Missionary Serving as Mission Advocate with the Northeastern Jourisdiction at 540-314-7911 or

May God’s peace strengthen you on this journey of love.