Wednesday, July 10, 2024

New Places - New People: Faith UMC, Bellefonte

At the 2024 Susquehanna Annual Conference, the New Places - New People Award was given to a church in each district that has experimented with new ways to build relationships and make new disciples. God is calling each of us to be in relationship with others and our churches are commissioned to go to our immediate neighbors as well as the ends of the earth to make new disciples. We celebrate with these churches and the ministries that they are engaging as they offer new places for new people. If you would like to learn more about New Places - New People, there are courses in Portico, our online learning platform that is located on the Conference website at

Faith UMC, Bellefonte, State College District

By Rev. Brenda Leigy, Superintendent

A few years ago, Faith United Methodist Church, Bellefonte, realized they were well positioned to be intentional to reach people outside the church. The people of Faith Church had a heart for the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ and they were willing to use their time, gifts, and treasure to help the mission be accomplished. Not only did new people show up every week; they also joined small groups and began serving.

Faith Church states that it is all about living out the love of Jesus in our everyday lives, both in our relationship with God and with others.

One major way they embrace this journey is through serving others. They believe that by investing their time and resources into God’s work and utilizing their unique talents, they embody the spirit of Jesus. 

They intentionally connect and share the gospel with the people around them, and they continually find ways to make the world around them better by spreading the good news and striving to make a positive impact wherever they go.

Moving forward Faith didn’t know what path God might have for them. With the affirmation of the Administrative Council, Rev. Andy Morgan; Pastor David Carter started collaborating with consultants to assess the church, the people, and the needs in their community. 

Ultimately, they decided the best path forward for the church was embracing that God doesn’t want us to “do life” alone - it’s so much better together! 

So, Faith said YES! and started a network of Fresh Expressions - social groups who would meet around a common interest and provide opportunities to connect and build relationships with others.

In the fall of 2023, Faith launched a Fresh Expression Pioneer Cohort with 25 people from the church. As of spring of 2024, they have 10 Fresh Expressions in the works led by lay people. Some are in the early stages of planning, others have specific dates on the calendar, and others have already started.

Some of the Fresh Expressions that are developing and starting are: ATV riding, Softball, Teens who are bored over the summer, Crafts, Doubts, Running, Writing, neighborhood relationships, and nursing home community. The plans are also in the work to start a Messy Church. All these start with strategic efforts to connect with people outside the church. Faith UMC is looking forward to the fruit this will have in the lives of people in the community as they have said YES to God’s leading.