Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Urukundo: Hope Made Real in Rwanda Africa


By Michelle Schwartzman, VIM Coordinator

An exciting moment of celebration at the 2024 Susquehanna Annual Conference was the formal recognition of our mission in Rwanda, Africa; Hope Made Real/Urukundo (translated “Love”). 

The approved resolution acknowledges the humanitarian work of Arlene D. Brown, lovingly known as “Mama Arlene”, a lay member of St. Johns UMC, Williamsport. Her ministry began by providing a home for girls, caring for their well-being and education. 

Today, the expanding Urukundo Learning Center campus holds over 1200 students, a Community Daycare, Sewing Technical Center, Dental Clinic, Mama-Baby Outreach, Community Worship Center, and Guest House. Urukundo is the largest employer of Rwandan people in the region. See the work for yourself at

As your Volunteers in Mission Coordinator, I urge you to consider traveling to Urukundo and see the difference they’re making (see page 11 for more information.) Work with their staff and Mama Arlene (now in her 90’s.) Also, keep an eye out for a Susquehanna Conference- wide mission journey opportunity in 2025.