Members and visitors at Wellsboro UMC explore the Opportunity Fair to learn more about the various ministry opportunities of the church. |
Sunday, March 30th, Wellsboro UMC held their first “Opportunity Fair” after the morning worship service. Hosted by the Lay Leadership team, tents were set up in the large common area next to the sanctuary affectionately known as the “Rotunda.” Each tent was manned by team leaders from various ministry opportunity areas of the church to help explain the mission of their particular area and answer any questions. Interest surveys were available for the church members to indicate where their interests are. A Spiritual Gifts Inventory was also offered.
It was a successful event with many visitors to the morning service also participating. Popcorn and food added to the ‘Fair’ feel. The event’s theme was supported during the Laity led service with a drama skit, children’s message and scripture reading (Ephesians 4: 1-6 & 11-16), all emphasizing how we are all a part of the Body of Christ.