Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Conference Staff Changes

The Conference Disaster Response Coordinator Douglas Hoy, has taken a job with the PA Emergency Management Agency and has had to step away from his role with the Conference. We’re sorry to see him go, but glad that we will probably still work with him through various disaster response needs.

Helen Meyers, the State College Area Administrative Assistant will be retiring on May 1. Congratulations Helen! Alexis Perry will be the new State College Area AA and began training with Helen on April 22! Welcome Alexis!

Elsa Rodriguez, the Scranton/ Wilkes-Barre Area Administrative Assistant relocated to the Lebanon area and stepped away from her position effective April 18. Valerie Simmons is the new Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Area AA and began April 15. Welcome Valerie!

Jill Johnston, the Williamsport Area Administrative Assistant, was recently promoted to Senior Supervisory Area Administrative Assistant. Her wealth of experience makes her a knowledgeable training resource for all of our Area AAs. Congratulations Jill!

Rev. Jason Mackey will be leaving the Conference Benefits Administrator role and heading to Camp Hill UMC as a part-time associate pastor effective July 1. Thank you for your ministry among us at the conference office Jason! Chris Sims, Director of Seedling Ministry, will replace Jason.

Rev. Dr. Joleen Willis, Altoona Area Superintendent, will be heading to First UMC, Hollidaysburg. She will be replaced by Rev. Lillian Smith, who comes to us from the Baltimore Washington Conference.

Rev. Dr. Paul Amara, Williamsport Area Superintendent, will be heading to Trucksville UMC. He will be replaced by Rev. Daniel Wilt, who is leaving St. Paul’s UMC, Lewisburg.