Tuesday, May 14, 2024

One Matters Award: Barts Centenary UMC, Littlestown

Rev. Cathy Boileau (right) presented the 2023 One Matters Award for the York District to Barts Centenary UMC in Littlestown, represented by Rev. Tammy Blose (center) and Lay Member Sharon Hedges (left).

Every year, Discipleship Ministries partners with annual conferences by offering the One Matters Award (OMA) to one eligible congregation at each annual conference. At the 2023 Susquehanna Annual Conference, the One Matters Award was given to one church in each of our districts.

This award has a strong focus on making disciples because, by integrating into the church body, the individual may experience the personal transformation to potentially engage in the church’s mission for the transformation of the world. While most Discipleship Ministries programs focus on existing members, OMA focuses on new members. After all, ONE Matters.

The 2023 One Matters Award for York District was awarded to: 

Barts Centenary UMC, Littlestown

By Rev. Cathy Boileau, (former) York District Superintendent

In John 14, Jesus models us for us a significant ministry, the ministry of preparing a place. In the busyness of ministry we often overlook that ministry, and the fruit that it offers, to intentionally make time for prayer, thought, and planning, to prepare our spaces and ministries so that others outside the church might find a spiritual home.

Like most churches, Barts Centenary UMC was challenged during the COVID pandemic to make disciples for Jesus Christ, and live out the call to love neighbor as themselves. However, rather than just closing down and waiting for the pandemic to pass, led by their pastor, Rev. Tammy Blose, and some key leaders, the congregation used this time to reevaluate their ministries and purpose, with a strategic focus on three key areas:

Discipleship – Growing in spiritual depth as disciples, and with their pastor’s leadership, developing a clear and inviting pathway of discipleship. The pastor developed a mid-week prayer list and message, as well as helped create an inviting space next to the sanctuary which invited prayer and meditation for whomever might have need. The discipleship path: W.In, No Sin, Jump In, offers small group offerings, real communities of support, and help launching into ministry.

– the church explored the possibilities and made the decision to renovate both their kitchen and social hall so that there might be a more inviting area for community meals and events. In order to make it happen, the congregation also generously supported the renovations so they could emerge into this next chapter debt free.

– the church has embarked on several new endeavors to minister to people in the community. A tragic accident that impacted one family in the community led to several levels of care extended by the congregation. The church is also exploring how to use their newly renovated space to build bridges with the community. The church has developed a new ministry called Hungry for More. Hungry for More offers people in the community a real time of connection and relationship building while sharing at the table. In addition, this older congregation supported the launching of a new contemporary worship service designed for younger worshipers.

This past year saw three new professions of faith, the first in several years, and on the Sunday following Annual Conference in which this One Matters Award was presented, children from several families were baptized. 

What is most inspiring about this story is not just new members, but the manner in which this congregation, led by their pastor, used the challenges presented by the COVID pandemic to prayerfully re-envision their facility and ministries, to move towards being a church that is more equipped to make disciples in the coming years.