Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Connectional Ministries: Conference Season

By REV. DR. KATHLEEN E. KIND, Director of Connectional Ministries

It is Conference season! General, Annual, and Jurisdictional Conferences have happened, are about to happen, or are just around the corner. Our Conferences are opportunities to reconnect and to do our work of holy conferencing. When we gather, there is business to be accomplished. There is always business. But, the reason we gather to care for this business is so that we have our structure and organization in place so that we focus on our mission of being followers of Jesus who are making new followers of Jesus. 

As we look forward to our Annual Conference May 30 - June 1, I invite us to begin to prepare to make a positive impact on the Williamsport community. Whether we are commuting or staying in area hotels, carrying our meals from home or eating in the local restaurants we do have the opportunity to reflect Christ to everyone we meet. We have the opportunity to extend grace when there are lines waiting to get checked in or get a table. We have the opportunity to be kind as we interact with staff who are serving us in the Community Arts Center, hotels, and restaurants. We have the opportunity to bring contagious joy to one another and those we meet. It is my hope and prayer that during this Conference season that others will know that we are followers of Jesus because of the ways in which we how our love to one another. 

It will be good to see each other at Annual Conference. I look forward to seeing what God is doing among as the harvest certainly is plentiful. 

Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference
July 8-12, 2024   -   Pittsburgh, PA