Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mission Central Care Kits Have Global Impact.

At Mission Central, we are on a mission to connect God’s resources with human need, and one of the ways we accomplish this is through the distribution of Mission Central Kits. You may be wondering, what is in a Mission Central Kit and who receives these kits.

Mission Central has three types of kits: Mission Central Activity Kit, Mission Central Blessing Kit, and Mission Central Care Kit.

Each kit is filled with items identified to best meet the unique needs of the people we serve. Activity Kits are packed with school supplies and are given to local school districts, community groups, and even to students internationally through mission trips. Blessing Kits include resources for personal hygiene and comfort, such as deodorant, shampoo, rain ponchos, blankets, and water bottles. Many of these kits bless individuals experiencing homelessness. Care Kits include basic hygiene items such as combs, toothbrushes, and washcloths. These kits benefit individuals both locally and around the world.

In 2024, Mission Central already distributed 10,640 Care Kits to serve 31,920 individuals, a value of $127,000. The Care Kits traveled to several local organizations for distribution in Pennsylvania, and also to Honduras and Africa through international shipments. In Central Pennsylvania, Care Kits and Menstrual Kits were distributed through the Allison Hill Project which serves 150 people weekly in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Through the Hope for Haiti Foundation, Care Kits were given to refugee families arriving at the New American Welcome Center in York, Pennsylvania. Care Kits were also distributed to Honduran villages during a medical missions trip. 

Care Kits provide essential resources to those in need in our neighborhood and around the world. Our kit distributions would not be possible without the generous donations of kit items and the volunteers who give their time to assemble and pack kits. We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with the Susquehanna Conference at this year’s Annual Conference to collect items for Mission Central Care Kits! Thank you for your continued support and partnership to connect God’s resources with human need. 

This year at Annual Conference we are collecting items for Mission Central Care Kits. You are invited as a Church to collect items and have your pastor or lay delegate bring them to Annual Conference. There will be a place in the Grand Ballroom at the Genetti Hotel to drop off donations as well as assemble kits from the collected items. 

Each Supervisory Area is asked to provide items used to build the Care Kits. See below for the list of items.